Podstrona: Publikacje / Wizytówka pracownika PRz


ORCID: 0000-0001-5508-0640

Książki i monografie:

  1. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Hypercomplex numbers of the Fibonacci type, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2019.
  2. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Dziesięć wykładów z teorii kwaternionów, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2022.
  3. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Jacobsthal numbers, Pell numbers, their generalizations and applications, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2023.


  1. Jacek Dziok, Anetta Szynal, Convex and starlike meromorphic multivalent functions with two fixed points, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis, Math. 18 (1995), 5-15.
  2. Ewald Paprocki, Jan Stankiewicz, Anetta Szynal, Convolution and some special angularly domains, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis, Math. 20 (1996), 95‑108.
  3. Anetta Szynal, Józef Zając, Extremal normalization, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis, Math. 20 (1996), 171‑178.
  4. Anetta Szynal, Zero parameter's configurations, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 162, Math. 21 (1997), 133–140.
  5. Anetta Szynal, Katarzyna Wilczek, Extension operator of automorphism of the unit circle, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 162, Math. 21 (1997), 141–150.
  6. Ewald Paprocki, Anetta Szynal, One parameter’s configurations, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 170, Math. 22 (1998), 115-120.
  7. Ewald Paprocki, Anetta Szynal, Some models of Teichmüller space, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 170, Math. 22 (1998), 121-130.
  8. Anetta Szynal, Parametrical representation for quasiconformal mappings with two points fixed, Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres, Łódź, vol. XXV (1998), 89-96.
  9. Anetta Szynal, Some extremal normalization for quasiconformal automorphisms of the unit disc, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 175, Math. 23 (1999), 123-128.
  10. Anetta Szynal, Special functions related with extremal normalization, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 181, Math. 24 (2000), 137-144.
  11. Anetta Szynal, Quasihomographies of the real line, Folia Scientiarum Universitatis Technicae Resoviensis 199, Math. 26 (2002), 155-164.
  12. Anetta Szynal, Quasihomographies of the real line II, Journal of Mathematics and Applications 28 (2006), 133-137.
  13. Anetta Szynal, Properties of quasihomographies of the real line, Scientific Bulletin of Chełm 2 (2006), 223-228.
  14. Anetta Szynal, Growth theorems for 4-quasihomographies of the real line, Journal of Mathematics and Applications 29 (2007), 137-142.
  15. Janusz Sokół, Anetta Szynal, Radius of convexity of certain classes of analytic functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 344 (2008), 869-875. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.03.035
  16. Alexander M. Linkov, Anetta Szynal-Liana, CV circular-arc ordinary and (multi-) wedge elements for harmonic problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 33 (2009), 611-617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2008.10.011
  17. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On distance Pell numbers and their connections with Fibonacci numbers, Ars Combinatoria CXIIIA (2014), 65-75.
  18. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Andrzej Włoch, Iwona Włoch, On generalized Pell numbers generated by Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Ars Combinatoria CXV (2014), 411-423.
  19. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Andrzej Włoch, Iwona Włoch, On types of distance Fibonacci numbers generated by number decompositions, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 491591, 8 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/491591
  20. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, The Pell quaternions and the Pell octonions, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 26 (2016), 435-440. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00006-015-0570-9
  21. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, A note on Jacobsthal quaternions, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 26 (2016), 441-447. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00006-015-0622-1
  22. Urszula Bednarz, Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Małgorzata Wołowiec-Musiał, On Fibonacci numbers in edge coloured trees, Opuscula Mathematica 37.4 (2017), 479-490. http://dx.doi.org/10.7494/OpMath.2017.37.4.479
  23. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Some properties of generalized Tribonacci quaternions, Scientific Issues of Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa, Mathematics XXII (2017), 73–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.16926/m.2017.22.06
  24. Anetta Szynal-Liana, The Horadam Hybrid Numbers, Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications 38 (2018), 91-98. https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgaa.1287
  25. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On Pell and Pell-Lucas Hybrid Numbers, Commentationes Mathematicae, vol. 58, No 1-2 (2018), 11-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.14708%2Fcm.v58i1-2.6364
  26. Mirosław Liana, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On F(p,n)-Fibonacci bicomplex numbers, Scientific Issues of Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa, Mathematics XXIII (2018), 35-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.16926/m.2018.23.03
  27. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On F(p,n)-Fibonacci Quaternions, Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź, vol. LXVIII, no. 1 (2018), 131-140.https://doi.org/10.26485/0459-6854/2018/68.1/9
  28. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On J(r,n)-Jacobsthal Quaternions, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol.14, no. 3-4 (2018), 579-590. PAMQ-2018-0014-0003-a007.pdf
  29. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, The Fibonacci hybrid numbers, Utilitas Mathematica 110 (2019), 3-10. https://utilitasmathematica.com/index.php/Index/article/view/1428
  30. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas Hybrid Numbers, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 33 (2019), 276-283. https://doi.org/10.2478/amsil-2018-0009
  31. Mirosław Liana, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On Pell hybrinomials, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 20.2 (2019), 1051-1062. http://mat76.mat.uni-miskolc.hu/mnotes/download_article/2971.pdf
  32. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On a new generalization of Jacobsthal quaternions and several identities involving these numbers, Commentationes Mathematicae, vol. 1-2, no. 59 (2019), 33-45.https://wydawnictwa.ptm.org.pl/index.php/commentationes-mathematicae/article/view/6492
  33. Mirosław Liana, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On some kind of numbers of the Fibonacci type and their applications for bicomplex numbers, Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź, vol. LXIX, no. 1 (2019), 129-138. https://journals.ltn.lodz.pl/index.php/Bulletin/article/view/1008
  34. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Introduction to Fibonacci and Lucas hybrinomials, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, vol. 65, no. 10 (2020), 1736-1747. https://doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2019.1681416
  35. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Generalized Fibonacci-Pell hybrinomials, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, Issue 15 (2020), #14, 1-12. 222.pdf
  36. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Mirosław Liana, Some identities for generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, vol. 17, no. 1 (2020), 324-328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.akcej.2019.06.007
  37. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On special spacelike hybrid numbers, Mathematics (2020), 8(10), 1671. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8101671
  38. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On generalized Mersenne hybrid numbers, Annales UMCS, sectio A, vol. 74, no. 1 (2020), 77-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/a.2020.74.1.77-84
  39. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch,Two generalizations of dual-hyperbolic balancing numbers, Symmetry 2020, 12(11), 1866, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12111866
  40. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On some combinatorial properties of P(r,n)-Pell quaternions, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 77 (2020), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.2478/tmmp-2020-0027
  41. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On J(r,n)-Jacobsthal hybrid numbers, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 77 (2020), 13-26. https://doi.org/10.2478/tmmp-2020-0028
  42. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On the combinatorial properties of bihyperbolic balancing numbers, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 77 (2020), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.2478/tmmp-2020-0029
  43. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On some combinatorial properties of bihyperbolic numbers of the Fibonacci type, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 44.6 (2021), 4607-4615. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.7054
  44. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Balancing hybrid numbers, their properties and some identities, Indian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 63, no. 1 (2021), 143-157.
  45. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On a new generalization of bihyperbolic Pell numbers, Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi (New Series). Mathematics, LXVII, f.2 (2021), 251-260.
  46. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On a new two-parameter generalization of dual-hyperbolic Jacobsthal numbers, Annales UMCS, sectio A, vol. 75, No 1 (2021), 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/a.2021.75.1.1-14
  47. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On a new one-parameter generalization of dual-complex Jacobsthal numbers, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Mathematica 13, 1 (2021), 127-144. https://doi.org/10.2478/ausm-2021-0007
  48. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Bihyperbolic numbers of the Fibonacci type and their idempotent representation, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 62, 4 (2021), 409-416. http://dx.doi.org/10.21136/CMJ.2022.0174-22
  49. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Generalized commutative quaternions of the Fibonacci type, Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana 28, 1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40590-021-00386-4
  50. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On a New Generalization of Jacobsthal Hybrid Numbers, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V.12, No 1 (2022), 20-31. https://azjm.org/volumes/1201/pdf/1201-2.pdf
  51. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, One-parameter generalization of dual-hyperbolic Pell numbers, Mathematica Slovaca 72 (2022), No. 2, 527-537. https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2022-0035
  52. Mirosław Liana, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Jacobsthal representation hybrinomials, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 36 (2022), no. 1, 57–70. https://doi.org/10.2478/amsil-2021-0014
  53. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Two-parameter generalization of bihyperbolic Jacobsthal numbers, Proyecciones Vol. 41, No 3 (2022), 569-578. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0717-6279-4071
  54. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Mirosław Liana, On certain bihypernomials related to Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers, Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 71, Issue 2 (2022), 422-433. https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.890932
  55. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, A study on Fibonacci and Lucas bihypernomials, Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications 42(2) (2022), 409–423. https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgaa.1399
  56. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On some combinatorial properties of generalized commutative Jacobsthal quaternions and generalized commutative Jacobsthal-Lucas quaternions, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 72 (147) (2022), 1239-1248. https://doi.org/10.21136/CMJ.2022.0174-22
  57. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Two generalizations of dual-complex Lucas-balancing numbers, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica 14, 2 (2022), 220-230. https://doi.org/10.2478/ausm-2022-0014
  58. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Mirosław Liana, Generalized commutative quaternion polynomials of the Fibonacci type, Annales UMCS, sectio A, vol. 76, No 2 (2022), 33-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/a.2022.76.2.33-44
  59. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Generalized commutative Jacobsthal quaternions and some matrices, Examples and Counterexamples (2023) 100102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exco.2023.100102.
  60. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, One-parameter generalization of the bihyperbolic Jacobsthal numbers, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 16(05), 2350075 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1142/s1793557123500754
  61. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On bihypernomials related to balancing and Chebyshev polynomials, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V.13, No 2 (2023), 200-218. https://azjm.org/volumes/1302/pdf/1302-11.pdf
  62. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, One-parameter generalization of dual-hyperbolic Jacobsthal numbers, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 37 (2023), no. 2, 224-239. https://doi.org/10.2478/amsil-2023-0005
  63. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, A new hybrid generalization of Fibonacci and Fibonacci-Narayana polynomials, Annales UMCS, sectio A, vol. 77, No 1 (2023), 1-12.https://journals.umcs.pl/a/article/view/16292   http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/a.2023.77.1.1-12
  64. Iwona Włoch, Natalia Paja, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On some combinatorial properties of Oresme hybrationals, Symmetry 2023, 15(11), 1996. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-8994/15/11/1996
  65. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On generalized bihyperbolic Mersenne numbers, Mathematica Bohemica 149, No. 1 (2024), 75-85. https://articles.math.cas.cz/10.21136/MB.2023.0085-22
  66. Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, Oresme hybrid numbers and hybrationals, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 48(5) (2024), 747-753 (w druku) kjm/accepted-papers
  67. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, On some combinatorial properties of generalized commutative Pell and Pell-Lucas quaternions, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 49(6) (2025), 889–897 (w druku) kjm/accepted-papers
  68. Paweł Bednarz, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Bihyperbolic numbers of the Fibonacci type and triangular matrices (tables), Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics (w druku)
  69. Mariola Rubajczyk, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Cobalancing hybrid numbers, Annales UMCS (w druku)
  70. Dorota Bród, Anetta Szynal-Liana, Iwona Włoch, On a new generalization of Pell hybrid numbers, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae (w druku)

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